Probiotics are live bacteria that are similar to the bacteria found in our stomachs.
Prebiotics are food for the benificial bacteria.
Pathogenic are disease/illness causing bacteria are bad if their ratio to Probiotics is higher than 15:85
Prebiotics are food for the benificial bacteria.
Pathogenic are disease/illness causing bacteria are bad if their ratio to Probiotics is higher than 15:85
Common Warning Signs of a
Bacteria Imbalance
• Difficulty losing weight, sugar/carbohydrate
• Frequent fatigue, poor concentration
• Frequent constipation or diarrhoea
• Faulty digestion, acid reflux and other gut
• Sleeping poorly, possible night sweats
• Painful joint inflammations/stiffness
• Bad breath, gum disease & dental problems
• Frequent colds, flu or infections
• Chronic yeast problems, candida
• Acne, eczema, skin & foot fungus, etc
• Extreme menstrual or menopausal symptoms
• Allergies and food sensitivities
Things that Kill
Bacteria in the Body
• Antibiotics
• Birth control pills
• Steroidal/hormonal drugs
• Fluoride
• Chlorine
• Coffee/tea
• Carbonated drinks
• Man-made vitamins
• Synthetic ascorbic acid
• Radiation
• Stress
• Preservatives
• Additives
• Pesticides
• Fertilisers
85% Probiotic Bacteria : 15% Pathogenic Bacteria
is the ideal ratio of good to bad bacteria in the gut
85% Pathogenic Bacteria : 15% Probiotic Bacteria
is the ratio most people have
Millions of helpful bacteria reside in the intestines, these bacteria are needed for the proper development of the immune system (Babies that are breastfed have lots of these good bacteria and that is why they are more resistant to diseases)We also need them to help digest and absorb food and nutrients.and fight the bad bacteria that can bring about dieases.Although society try’s to tell us that bacteria are bad, that is untrue.Most bacteria in our bodies is actually beneficial.But with the exception of pathogenic bacteria which if allowed to collect in large numbers bring disease ad distress to us.To have a well balanced ratio of good (Progenic) to bad(pathogenic) bacteria it must be 85:15. If the pathogenic level gets higher than this, problems will occur.When there is more pathpogenic bacteria in an area, toxic waste is secreted into the blood stream, causeing uimmune systems to get confused.
In the August, 2009 Pediatrics magazine there is a study analyzing and confirming that probiotics maintains immunity and prevents disease, particularly in children who experienced
a significant decrease in cold and influenza incidences after continued probiotic supplementation
The following is an article Compiled & edited by Dr. Robert Chamberlain March, BS, MsT, RMT, ND (USA certified)
Almost 100 years ago, the Russian born bacteriologist and 1908 Nobel Laureate,Ilya Mechnikov, stated: “Death begins in
the colon.”In his groundbreaking book Prolongation of Life, Mechnikov documented in detail the unusually lengthy life spans of several societies that practised eating fermented foods and special bacterial cultures called kefirs. He made consistent observations of 100+ year-old men and women that were still leading highly active and healthy lives! It was Professor Ilya Mechnikov that coined the term “probiotic” to describe friendly bacteria. His research made a direct link between human longevity and the necessity of maintaining
Brilliant medical researchers from all over the world are refocused on the importance of probiotics in the diet, quietly reshaping the way medical science views health. Building on Mechnikov’s early research, their vital new discoveries are bringing more and more credence to this startling medical evidence:
Do we have a false sense of complacency about our health? Do we believe that because we faithfully take our vitamins, or regularly bombard ourselves with silver bullets, pills and
potions, that we won’t contract a disease? CURRENT NEWS FLASH: North Americans ingest more vitamin and mineral supplements per capita than any other educated population
in the world. Yet, 1 out of 2 Americans will still die due to either heart disease or cancer! Similar death rates for heart disease and cancer now exist worldwide.
FUTURE FILE: As the general public learns more about probiotics, and health practitioners acknowledge their importance in the maintenance of our health, we will have
connected the dots between a healthy colon, sound health and increased life span.
When you suffer from low quantities of good (probiotic) bacteria your immune system is severely compromised.
This leaves you predisposed to fatigue, joint inflammation, viral attack, parasites, allergies and all manner of digestive disorders and life-threatening diseases.
Once harmful toxin-producing bacteria and fungi take over in the gastrointestinal tract, our immune system has become severely compromised. Given our exposure to stress, toxic chemicals, antibiotics, steroidal drugs and carcinogenic substances, it is a must that we proactively guard the health of our gut and supplement with probiotics every day.
Without the correct balance of 85% probiotic bacteria to 15% pathogenic bacteria, some form of physical disease is likely to manifest itself. Maintaining this critical ratio is the single most
important thing we can do to ensure good health and longevity.
We are exposed to BILLIONS OF METRIC TONNES OF POLLUTANTS in our everyday lives. Lead, mercury, cadmium (plus over 4500 other toxic heavy metal by-products), drugs, vaccines, and a host of other dangers are wreaking (creating) havoc in our bodies. As our toxin levels rise and go unchecked, our immune system and other mission critical processes in our body become dangerously compromised and begin to fail.
Bacteria are at the base of all life on this planet. They were the original life and they most certainly will be the last, because absolutely no living thing on earth can exist without them. Understanding how bacteria operates and rules the body is often the missing link in understanding the demise of our
first line of defence: The Immune System.
Bacteria have no teeth, but rather produce enzymes. These enzymes then identify, digest and deliver nutrients where they need to go. You have tens of trillions of cells, each of which needs 100,000 enzymes to function correctly.
It is enzymes that are responsible for every metabolic process in your body.
If there is a deficit of friendly (probiotic) bacteria in the human gut, then there is a deficit of enzymes. Without these vital enzymes, nutrients do not get used. This lack of uptake of nutrients is at the heart of what causes most of the disorders in the human body. You can consume the best nutrients in the world, but if you cannot digest and assimilate them, then
everything is lost.
Today, most of us have lost our ability to digest nutrients. This is largely due to the fact that the “anti-probiotic” things (see the things that kill bacteria above) we are exposed to have killed off the friendly bacteria necessary to produce the enzymes that digest these nutrients. Enzymes are responsible for all building and repairs in the body, and they need amino acids to get these jobs done. It is crucial to good health to have amino acids floating in the body – available at a moment’s notice – so that enzymes can utilise them when needed.
The strongest bacteria will always kill the weaker ones. Further, bacteria compete for food sources. Therefore, it is a fallacy to think you are helping the body by taking a probiotic supplement that only has one, two or maybe even four types of lactobacillus, and no food source with it. These new bacteria will deplete the number of bad and good bacteria in your body, as they compete for food. That is why it is important to supply all 13 key Lactobacillus members along with the foods they like to eat. Then they work in harmony as a unit, in order to balance the populations of pathogenic (harmful) bacteria in the body. Bacteria manufacture lactic acid to protect themselves from bad bacteria. Lactic acid has a pH factor of 3.5 or less. NO BAD bacteria can live in this environment and, in fact, this low pH environment promotes the growth of good bacteria. It is vital to your health that a proper environment is maintained in the intestinal tract
and that it has the proper balance of 85% friendly to 15% unfriendly bacteria. Without this proper balance of bacteria, all manner of physical disease manifests itself. This singular focus, of cultivating the proper intestinal flora, is the most important thing we can do to ensure good health. In the absence of abundant friendly flora, the body loses its fantastic ability to heal itself. Probiotic bacteria (friendly bacteria) prevent the invasion and colonisation of harmful bacteria,
fungi, yeast, viruses, moulds, and other parasites. Thus, these friendly bacteria prolong a healthy life. They maintain chemical and hormonal balance, regulate nutrients, and stimulate correct digestion and proper immune function. They will process
putrefied materials and pathogenic products like Candida, harmful bacteria and parasites, and in many cases will penetrate the permeable lining of the gut wall and permanently destroy potentially harmful organisms.
In short, the main health benefits of probiotics include:
Increased digestion, alleviation of digestive disorders, enhanced assimilation and synthesis of nutrients (including vitamins, minerals, and proteins), improved absorption of calcium, protection against E. coli infection, improved immune function, improved lactose tolerance and digestibility of all milk products, reduction of vaginal infections and yeast infections, increased anti-carcinogenic (anti-cancer) activity,
reduction/prevention of peptic ulcers caused by H. pylori bacteria, reduction in bad cholesterol, and reduction of acne.
Sporogenes are the most stable and “intelligent”
of any of the Lactobacilli bacteria. Sporogenes derive their name from spore-bearing lactic acid bacteria.
When good bacteria die they give their bodies up
as food to the others. During the life cycle of this species it forms spores. Spores are a fully alive, but dormant, stage for these bacteria. They have developed a protective envelope in which they wrap themselves. Therefore they are totally unharmed by stomach acid and, in fact, are actually benefited by it, as it helps the Sporogenes release their outer envelope to begin their life cycle in the intestine. They are also not harmed by rather high temperatures. Once they reach the intestine, they are very rapid and effective colonisers and are one of the most prolific lactic acid producers of all the
Lactobacillus bacteria. As a result they soon lower the pH of the intestine, making it inhospitable to yeast and other putrefactive bacteria. As the pH of the colon becomes normal, the putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria diminish in
number, allowing beneficial bacteria including the Lactobacillus to multiply. The result is a rapid increase in lactic acid and butyrates, which serve as nourishing fuels for the cells that line the colon. With the vastly reduced number of putrefactive
and pathogenic bacteria inhabiting the colon, a substantially reduced level of toxic substances leave the colon with the fluids absorbed into the hepatic-portal bloodstream that goes from the gastro-intestinal tract to the liver. With a manageable level of toxins to deal with, the liver is able to neutralise all of them, and the posthepatic blood circulation is clear of even low levels of toxins. Hence, there is no longer a stimulation of the disease process or the breakdown of weak genes in the outlying tissue cells. The hidden disease process is thus halted.
Did you know;
Probiotics can help prevent illness and promote health, Good bacteria crowd out the bad bacteria and keep them in small numbers.
Probiotics have been known to help with: diarrhea,urinary tract onfections,irritable bowel syndrom, dermatitis(eczema),bladder cancer,constipation,weight loss,influenza,hay fever, gas, and bloating,
Lactobacillus reuteri, which occurs in the gut of many mammals and is found in human breast milk, immediately and directly affects nerves in the gut.
Yoghurt is not a probiotic so is not enough to help.
Probiotics are just as effective as conventional antiseptics according to a study conducted by researchers from University Hospital in Lund, Sweden, and published in the journal Critical Care.
“Up to 90% of all known human illness
and disease can be traced back to an
unhealthy colon!”
Adult intestines carry around 1-2kgs of bacteria,Which is about ten times larger than the total number of cells in our body.
Be wary of products that don't specify how much or what type of bacteria.
Researchers are discovering that this “good” bacteria helps not only to stimulate digestive health, but may stimulate a healthy immune system. These probiotic bacteria may even be a key to understanding obesity. Gary Huffnagle, Ph.D., of the University of Michigan Health System, is one of the country’s leading researchers into the world of probiotics.
Until we are born, we are completely sterile of microbes. Once outside the womb, we are bombarded by microbes and soon we have 10 times more microbes in our body than the number of cells that make up the human body.
“The good microbes – and this is where probiotics come in – keep the bad microbes in small numbers. But they also stimulate the immune system and improve our digestive function. That’s the subject of research that has been going on for years,” Huffnagle says.
· In-Liven your health from ONEGROUP, Australia.
· Compiled & edited by Dr. Robert Chamberlain March, BS, MsT, RMT, ND (USA certified)
· Goldin BR et al.“Survival of Lactobacillus species (strain GG) in human gastrointestinal tract” Digestive Diseases and Sciences 37(1):121-128
· Lipski, Elizabeth, M.S., C.C.N. Digestive Wellness. Keats Publishing, New Canaan, CT, 1996.
· March, Robert Chamberlain, B.S., N.D.“The Eleven Principles of Physical Wellness” from Practical Holistic Nutrition, Healing Heart Press, Scottsdale,Arizona, 1995.
· McFarland LV, Bernasconi P “Saccaromyces boulardii, a review of an innovative biotherapeutic agent” Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease, 6:1578-171 1993
· Mindell, Earl, R.Ph., Ph.D. Earl Mindell’s Supplement Bible. Fireside/Simon & Schuster, New York, NY, 1998.
· Wolfson, David N.D.“A Probiotics Primer” Nutrition Science News,Vol. 4, No. 6, June, 1999
·, Melanie Grimes, Dr David Jockers
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