Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Is your toothpaste killing Rats?

Fluoride- the key ingredient in modern toothpaste is the only ingredient in rat poison that actually kills rats.
It is a by-product of aluminum production.
Aluminum is a major cause of Alzheimer’s.
Fluoride is added to municipal drinking water in most civilized countries in the world.
The only thing Fluoride doesn’t kill is the plaque that it is supposedly put in toothpaste to kill.
So, Are you killing innocent rats with your toothpaste?

Certified Organic Fluoride-free toothpaste that actually WORKS, Available at Naturligeprodukter.dk

Know of safe fluoride-free toothpaste that actually works?
Pop it in the comments so other readers can benefit

Have a wonderful day!

Source:Cosmetic database and Material Safety Data Sheet for Flor.

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