Thursday, 24 June 2010

Slår dine hudplejeprodukter dig og din familie ihjel?

Har du nogensinde spekuleret over hvad de svære ord bag på dine hudpleje produkter betyder?

Vidste du at det kun er omkring 1000 af de 13000 kemikalier der anvendes i hudpleje produkter, der er testet?

De 1000 kemikalier bliver kun testet 1 time!

Det er chokernde at det er sådanne oplysninger de forskellige selskaber vælger at skjule for os.

Bruger du shampoo med sodium laryth sulfat?
- Eller håndcream med propylenglykol?

Hvad med en såkaldt "safe for babyer" eller "baby" shampoo/bodywash med phenoxyethanol?
Hvis du gør, sætter du dig selv og din familie i fare.

Hvordan undgår jeg at disse farlige kemikalier, kan du spørge?
- Følg min blog,  så vil jeg dele min viden og prøve at åbne dine øjne for hvad du kan undgå, for at leve et sundere liv.

Du er velkommen til at stille spørgsmål eller komme med kommentare. 
Jeg vil  gør mit bedste til at svare dine spørgsmål.

Phillip Hobbs

Monday, 21 June 2010

Hi and welcome to my blog.

Hi and welcome to my blog.
I will be sharing my knowledge of organic skincare and the dangerous chemical in a lot of the products available to us here in Denmark.
When I look at the ingredients in the products marked natural, or organic, or “with aloe Vera” A lot of the time I am seeing some dangerous chemical that are harmful to our skin. A lot of these dangerous chemicals cause cancer, organ damage, hormonal changes and various other diseases and health problems.

I see here in Denmark that there are so many companies claiming paraben free and parfum free, allergi friendly. BUT you know what? These companies are just tricking you to buy their products so they can make money, they don’t care about your health.
Seriously have you seen how many ingredients they have in a roll on deodorant for example? Why is it these companies use such dangerous ingredients? Because it is cheaper for them. Of course just like any industry they will cut corners where they can.

In my blog here I will be posting all about the safe and unsafe ingredients in skincare and cosmetics products. I hope that you will follow me and get educated on the products YOU use. If you have any questions I am only an email away. Oh and also after being here in Denmark for almost 5 years I can speak Danish too.
So feel free to write in Danish.

Please support me by  subscribing to my newsletter, over at

Det Bedste Hilsner,
Phillip Hobbs